Principal's Speech

We strongly believe - Nearly all children entering this world are capable of learning.

Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence through education while developing the intellectual capability of a student is the primary aim of education system at APS.

Value Education is one of the toughest but important task which is a must in Indian Education. Moral Education in addition to current education would solve every problem. We Believe that teachers can set examples for the students to learn. Students also learn things from parents so the parents also should be guided by the school.

Emphasis is laid on the quality of education and this can only be achieved through regular monitoring of what goes on in the school. Our quality assurance team is trained time and again to ensure the overall development of our students.

Undoubtedly, all students demonstrate improvements in their learning with systematic monitoring, assessment, planning and evaluation of their work.

Valuing Learner Diversity is our motto. Hence we, the team of Allahabad Public School join hands together to make this school a wonderful place for all.

Minakshi Sinha

Admission For Academic Year 2023-24

Admission Enquiry